www.lungusa.org (Click on “Quit Smoking” in the top menu)
The American Lung Association site has a number of smoking cessation resources, as you would expect, including government fact sheets and reports, FAQ’s, ‘healthy lung comparison’ sheets, and an assortment of information for employers or organizations that want to help employees quit.
They also have a free online program called “Freedom From Smoking” which is administered by a trained facilitator. (She acknowledges in the introduction that she was never a smoker, but apparently watched several family members struggle with quitting.) The program has several modules with lots of advice and tips, as well as an online support forum.
For a free program, it really looks pretty good, although I think their approach to the psychological aspects of quitting is a little bit superficial. (Of course, I’m a psychologist, so I tend to be biased in that direction.) Also, it’s worth noting that they are considering starting to charge for the program, so you may want to check into it soon if you’re interested.
This site also has a lot of information about various lung diseases that are smoking-related, such as COPD and emphysema, so if you’re suffering from one of those, this may be a good site to check out.
Let others know what you think: If you have personal experience with this resource or have an alternative suggestion, add your comments below.
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In fact, the American Lung Association says that 80 to 90 percent of all cases are caused by smoking.
My grandmother has lung cecnar and she never smoked. Her husband smoked for 40 years and he is quite fine. Isn’t life darkly humorous?(The good thing is that soon I will be inheriting some property.)