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No, this isn’t a site about free cigarettes. It’s a government-sponsored site dedicated to helping people quit.  It has a lot of good, basic information, and you can also order pamphlets about special topics in English and Spanish.  There is a ‘step-by-step’ guide to quitting, as well, although the advice is pretty basic.   On the upside, everything is free.

Let others know what you think: If you have personal experience with this resource or have an alternative suggestion, add your comments below.

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  • Janet Whitmer January 9, 2010, 3:50 PM

    I am on day 8 of quitting cigarettes and failed. I am getting weaned through the patch step#1 (21mg.) I am trying not to replace eating with the cigarettes . I am typing more & reading a lot more. I was told smoking while on the patch is dangerous & could cause a heart attack. I am 52 years old and when I run or exercise I run out of breath easily. I need to stay in a smoke-free environment which my companion also gave up for a New Year resolution. I Cannot continue to smoke if I want a good job in a Hospital Office. My goal is set yet I failed? I guess try harder and replace with scents and good smells like aromatherapy. Savor the taste of peppermint and fresh breathe.
    Any suggestions when I get the craving strong? Thank you. Sincerely, Janet Whitmer

  • Janet Whitmer January 9, 2010, 3:53 PM

    I would like to order some of your pamphlets. What ever helps support my goal to quit when I am having a bad craving. Thank you. Janet Whitmer

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